Connectivity is now truly ubiquitous. All verticals, without exeption, are converging on a future where productivity becomes universally data driven. The devices that will enable these intelligent and connected endpoints will be hugely diverse in their design but share many common features.
This combination of uniformity and uniqueness is both an opportunity and a challenge for OEMs looking to leverage the massive IoT.
In its simplest form, the massive IoT will comprise many endpoints communicating through microservices provided and maintained in a cloud platform. Standard protocols provide the interface mechanism, but the OEM must take control of the implementation. Connecting IoT endpoints to a cloud platform is becoming simpler. All major semiconductor providers now supply their own development kits that connect quickly to leading IoT cloud providers, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS).
These kits offer fast proof-of-concept (PoC). OEMs moving from PoC to large-scale deployment will be faced with diversity in the hardware targets they use in their endpoints. They may standardize on a single supplier, but they may find the most optimal designs require products from multiple suppliers. The real design work starts after PoC. Real-world IoT solutions may not have the benefit of standardizing on just one semiconductor supplier. Avnet understands the need for choice and works closely with the embedded industry’s leading semiconductor vendors. Each of those vendors is focused on IoT. Each offers easy on-ramps to AWS.
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